Why Net Zero?
We’re targeting a deep energy retrofit with a stretch goal of net zero. Why? After transportation (road & air) and “stuff” we consume, our home represents our family’s biggest source of energy use, see withouthotair.com
Net zero energy homes are up to 80% more efficient than conventional builds, and use on-site renewable energy (e.g. rooftop solar) to produce all or most of the remaining energy they need.
In BC, we have a Step Code for buildings that ratchets up energy efficiency standards over time to meet the province’s target of “net zero energy ready” for all new buildings by 2032
While net zero new builds are becoming more prevalent, net zero renos of existing buildings are still relatively few - there are only a handful of examples that we’re aware of in BC.
Is $ better spent on insulation and framing, or rooftop solar? What are the tradeoffs around cost, carbon, performance and comfort? Is net zero scalable for existing buildings, or better to incentivise widespread uptake of electric heat pumps? TBD!
#netzero #netzerohome #renovation #greenbuilding #sustainability #bcstepcode